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Missionaries in Haiti


Cilem and Harley were married on September 22, 2018. They desire to follow Jesus Christ with their lives by planting a Church in the north of Haiti.

Cilem grew up in Haiti for the first 26th years of his transformed life that taught him a lot about humility, hardship, and faith in Christ Jesus. He came to know the LORD as His savior by the age of 15 and baptized two years later. As I was more involved in serving the Haitian people as a translator that God opened my eyes to see the need for the gospel in Haiti. Luke 10: 2 “And he said to them, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into his harvest.” God used this verse to break my heart and to see the great needs of Haiti. From that point on, I felt the call of God in my life to become a pastor.

Cilem graduated from Montana Bible College with a pastoral degree in Biblical studies. Along the journey, he met his beautiful, loving, compassionate, aggressive, and tender-hearted bride Harley, which is such a blessing from God. Cilem would describe his marriage with that precious lovely girl as “AMAZING.” Cilem can’t wait to see what the Lord has in store for both of them as they serve the Lord together. The more Cilem learns about his great God and Savior Jesus, the more he has a passion to share the gospel with the lost. His spiritual gift is teaching, preaching, encouragement, discernment, leadership, and serving. Cilem interest is hiking, playing soccer, playing basketball, swimming, fishing, and love being around peoples.

Harley grew up in the United States on an island called Camano in northwest Washington. She was raised in a Christ-fearing household and started her own walk with Christ at a young age. She was in middle school when she first felt the call upon her life to be in foreign missions. She earned a minor in biblical studies at Corban University with a major in health science, followed by a nursing degree at Samford University.

We are learning what it means to be a disciple of Jesus Christ and the necessity/urgency of the gospel. The more we learn about our great God and Savior Jesus, the more we have a passion to share the gospel with the lost.



(360) 387-6431

©2019 by Mabana Chapel.

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